Dental Implants

Determining how to replace lost teeth often depends on how many were lost. Imagine if all the teeth were lost on an upper or lower dental ridge. In that case, a full denture may be appropriate. However, if a patient loses one or two teeth, then a dental bridge may correct the issue. In either case, though, the loss of a tooth also means the loss of the attached root. This is important, because roots help maintain a person’s overall health. Dental implants can help replace these lost roots.

What Are Dental Implants?

Often made from titanium, dental implants are biocompatible posts. They are inserted into the jawbone where teeth roots used to be. After they are inserted, the bone begins to fuse around them, securing them into place. This process takes a few months. Once it is complete, the posts can be used for reconstruction such as dental bridges, crowns, or dentures.

Are There Benefits to Having Them?

As mentioned, your teeth roots help maintain your overall health. Since they support the teeth as you bite and chew, it is easier and more comfortable to eat a healthy diet. Implants also help stimulate the release of nutrients to support the jawbone. If you do not have roots, then this stimulation is absent, and you may suffer from loss of jawbone mass and density. Dental implants are designed to help restore missing teeth, as well as keep your jawbone in good health, to support the remaining natural teeth.

Schedule a Dental Implant Treatment with Dr. Hofkes Today

Dr. Shawn Hofkes is here for all of your dental surgery needs, including sedation dentistry, wisdom teeth, dental implants, and full mouth reconstruction. Please contact one of our two offices to reserve your appointment.